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제목제 23회 한국문화강좌 신청 안내/ The 23rdAKS Summer Program for International Students2015-01-26 00:00

1. 강좌기간 : 2015. 7. 13.(월)~ 8. 7. (금). 4주간

2, 진행언어 : 한국어 및 영어

*대부분의 강의가 한국어로 진행되므로 참가자의 기본적인 한국어 실력이 요구됨

3. 지원자격 : 대학 2학년 이상 외국인 학부생 중 한국학 전공자 (부전공자) 또는 한국 관련 수업 이수자 (*시민권자)

4. 제출서류 :

- 소정양식 지원서 1부 : 홈페이지 (http://www.aks.ac.kr)에서 다운로드

- 대학에서 발급 받은 성적표 1부

- 지원서에 포함되어 있는 한국어 능력 평가표 (지원서 7번 항목)

- 추천서 2부 : 추천서는 추천자가 직접 kebae@aks.ac.kr로 이메일 송부

- (선택사항) 한국어능력시험 (TOPIK) 성적표 1부

* 모든 제출서류는 한국어 또는 영어로 작성하어야 하며, 그렇지 않을 경우 공증 받은 한국어 또는 영어 번역본을 함께 제출하여야 합니다.

5. 접수기간 : 2015. 1. 26. (월) ~ 2. 27. (금)

6. 접수방법 : 추천서를 제외한 제출서류들을 하나의 pdf 파일로 엮어 이메일 (kebae@aks.ac.kr)로 제출

* 이메일 제목 : 제 23회 한국문화강좌 지원서류_지원자 본인 이름

7. 재정지원 : 등록, 숙소, 식사, 강의, 문화체험 및 문화유적답사에 소요되는 경비 일체를 지원 (단, 왕복항공료 및 교통비 (인천국제공항과 연구원 간 교통편포함)는 참가자 본인 부담)

8. 문의 및 참조

- 주상파울루한국교육원 : 3229-4324, www.cecsp.com.br, facebook(Centro de Educação Coreana)

- 한국문화교류센터 해외한국학지원실 배기은, 82-31-709-9843, 이메일 : kebae@aks.ac.kr


The Academy of Korean Studies(AKS) is pleased to announce the "23rdAKS Summer Program for International Students." As an important part of our mission is to cultivate young leaders, who can contribute to the development of Korean studies, the academy has organized an intensive summer program for international undergraduate students in Korean studies. This program is composed of various components, such as special lectures on Korea, intensive Korean language course, field trips, excursions, and traditional cultural activities. Since its starting in 1993, we held the program for 22 times and around 637 students from 45 countries attended the program. For those who are interested in the 23rd AKS Summer Program for International Students, please read the notification carefully and apply for the program.


¶ Program Period

July 13(Mon)  August 7(Fri), 2015, 4 weeks


Language of the Program

Korean & English

*Except for some English lectures most of the program will be in Korean. Therefore the participants are recommended to possess basic Korean language skills.


¶ Eligibility and RequiredDocuments

1. Eligibility

Undergraduate students of second year or above from universities abroad who are majoring or minoring in Korean Studiesand/or those who took Korea related lectures from their universities.

*Those whoare in graduate school or hold Korean nationality are not eligible for this program.

2. Required Documents

1) Application Form: Available to downloadon our website(http://www.aks.ac.kr)

2) All Official University Transcripts

3) “Korean Proficiency Evaluation Sheet” included in the application form (No.7)

4) 2 Letters of Reference

 Letters of reference should be directly sent to kebae@aks.ac.kr from the recommenders.

5) (Optional) Score Report for Korean Proficiency Test

* All documents should be written in Korean or English. If not, a certified translation of the document into Korean or English should be added.


Application Period

January 12(Mon) – February 27(Fri), 2015

* Applications received after the deadline will be not considered.


¶ Application Method

Please combine all of the required documents in 1 pdf file except for the letters of reference and send it to the e-mail address below.

-      E-mail Address: kebae@aks.ac.kr

-      E-mail Title: Application Documents for the 23rd AKS Summer Program for International Students_Name of the Applicant


¶ Notification of the Acceptance

The result will be announced individually via e-mail on March 31, 2015.


¶ Financial Support

The Academy of Korean Studies will cover the cost of registration, lectures, accommodations, and meals during the program as well as expenses incurred during field trips and excursions.

* All participants are responsible for their own travel expenses including the round-trip airfare and transportation fee between airport and AKS.


- Ms. Ki-eun Bae(Program Coordinator)

Phone: +82-31-709-9843

E-mail: kebae@aks.ac.kr

3229-4324, www.cecsp.com.br, facebook(Centro de Educação Coreana)

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