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제목Guidelines for Korean Government Scholarship Alumni Invitation Program20152015-03-24 00:00

Guidelines for

Korean Government Scholarship Alumni Invitation Program2015


Invitation Period:Jul. 19 ~ 26, 2015 (8 days and 7 nights)

Number of Participants:30 KGSP alumni from around the world

Application Requirements: Submit the following documents to Korean Education Center in São Paulo, until April 28th.

1) Application form 2) Pledge  3) Passport Copy (photo page)

Program Itinerary(Subject to change): Presentations of participants, Meeting with current KGSP scholars, Visiting research centers/ universities/ exhibitions, Cultural experiences, Self-organized trips, etc


-      Economy class Round-trip air ticket(Participants will need to buy air ticket on their own which will later be reimbursed)

-      Expenses related to the program (accommodation, meals, daily expenses, etc.) Transportation expenses incurred in the applicant’s country, visa application fees and all other personal expenses incurred by participants outside the invitation program are required to be paid by the participants themselves.

○ Personal Visit (Self-organized)

Participants will be given two days for their individual activities during the program period.

Participantsare advised to make a plan on how to use this free time such as visiting university of graduation and to arrange accommodation/meals for the two days.

Accommodation fee, food expenses, transportation cost, a per diem allowance will be provided by NIIED (Fixed amount)

○ Submission of Report

-     Less than 5 pages(A4 size) or PPT presentation material

-     Deadline: by June 19, 2015 by email

-     Contents should include either one of the followings:

- Participant’s career activities after completing academic career in Korea.

- KGSP experiences help to develop professional and personal life.

-Exemplary case of KGSP alumni organization of his/her country.

***Due to the time limit, some of selected participants representing each topic and field will have an opportunity to present their reports to the audience. However, all of the submitted reports will be included in the KGSP Alumni Invitation Program Guidebook.

Submission of documents after returning home

- Required documents: Essays on KGSP Alumni Invitation Program (impression of the program) within 1 month of return to home country

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